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+233 502568531


9 Botoku Street Abofu – Achimota P.O.Box AN 8135 Accra, Ghana

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Frequently Asked Question!

Is Ghanaba movement/platform free to access?

Yes, accessing basic name meanings and cultural insights of the site is free. However, our Day name book is a collection of age-old secrets that can’t be shared directly on the site. *wink wink* 

Is Ghanaba involved in other projects?
Yes! While our day name Heritage book focuses is on the history and meaning behind the Ghanaian day names, we have had several projects (and more underway) that contribute to celebrating and upholding the African identity.
What are Day Names?

Day names are names given based on the day of the week a person is born, following Akan traditions in Ghana. Each day is associated with specific traits and meanings.

Are Ghanaian names only based on the day of birth?

No, Ghanaian names can also reflect circumstances of birth, family heritage, or personal aspirations.

How are Ghanaian naming practices unique?

Ghanaian naming practices often emphasize identity, spirituality, and connection to the community, blending traditional beliefs with modern influences.

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